

…la campanella is suggesting a direct experience of a world barely visible upon remains of history, an inner space bringing individuals closer together in humanness in a way that actual reality at this point in history of civilization, despite its all-powerful communication devices – cannot…
…where la campanella is in the air, the Mediterranean and Central European sentimental spaces are interrelated by the treads of nostalgia, joy, triestesa, romantic enthusiasm, melancholy…


The Band

  • BORIS KOVAC (Boki) sassofoni/vox
  • VUKASIN MISKOVIC (Vuki) chitarra
  • GORAN PENIC (Gogi) fisarmonica
  • MILOS MATIC (Miki) contrabbasso
  • LAV KOVAC (Picu) drums



Global Beat Fusion, (USA) - “This music is future classical…”

Simon Broughton, Songlines (UK) - "The King of apocalyptical cabaret"

Shepherd Express (USA) - “Kovac’s music is both grounded and path finding a testament to the resiliency of culture and spirit in a region trying to repair itself after a decade of horror.

Clif Furnald, Rootsworld - “Dancing at the Abyss…Kovac proves that we humans, still manage to move the cosmos with our music, to find hope in our inner spirits and seek a way out of the morass…”

Chris Cutler, "Resonance"(UK) - "His composition, like a great release, possessed the spellbinding quality of great folk music: easy virtuosity, attention to the minutiae of expression, unembarrassing pathos... a deep base of audible, almost tactile emotion. Kovac slips easily across that twilight zone where contemporary composition and folk music touch."

Alessandro Nobis (IT) - "The music by Boris Kovac performed by Ritual Nova ensemble is a result of great composition and arrangement efforts and results in a great unity of the thousand year long Balkan culture, an outcome of an east-west fusion and contemporary music at the same time. Tunes inspired by folklore and influenced by Bartokianism, gypsy music, Orthodoxy and great Balkan composers of the last few centuries are deeply connected with their own culture. ... After the performance of this original and inciting music we are convinced that Boris Kovac is the most remarkable representative of Balkan music.