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Latest News About Fanfara Tirana meets Transglobal Underground

After headlining the biggest world music festivals around the world, beeing nominated and winning several prizes and awards Fanfara Tirana meets Transglobal Underground becames Kabatronics and release a second album.

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Robert Bisha video release Ritual Moods

One of the most talented piano player ever seen.

Get ready for something very special.



Robert Bisha & Albanian Iso-Polyphonic Choir new album

What happens when one of the most talented musicians around the globe meets the Albanian roots?

Get ready for something very special.



Robert Bisha & Fanfara Tirana new album

Jazz, balkan groove, contemporary music, big band sound, indie music ...

Get ready for the most beautiful album ever made by the albanian brass band.



Fanfara Tirana & Modena City Ramblers new album

Italian celtic, combat rock, funk and balkan flowers ...




30th years The Klezmatics. New album & new tour

They are without doubt one of the best bands of the planet and we are proud to represent them in many European countries. 30 years of music and Awards including a Grammy.

This album is getting back to the roots ... Get ready for it!